Monday, December 19, 2011

Albury Twilight Markets

My recent adventures to the Albury Twighlight Markets where a huge success with lovely shoppers, a great atmosphere and some much needed fresh air on my part! The very best moment was when a little 4 year old boy came up to me to buy a hand puppet. He was the cutest little guy and so polite! The best bit was that he took it straight over to his little sister and started entertaining her with it... TOTALLY ADORABLE! Here's some pictures of my little stand:

I'd already sold a few toys and puppets before I remembered to take a photo. 'Barry he Bedtime Bandit' (orange puppet with crazy face :) as his new owners call him, went to a very good home and he currently entertains a little 8 month old girl who likes to giggle when  Barry tickles her with his head feathers.

 Mr Sock Sloth, Bunny and Retro Froggy chilling alongside some Huggy Wuggs.

Scrap-o-saurus Herd 


These little fellas were a super hit with the boys young and old :)

My patterns on display

A School of Crunchy Jellyfish (And Lucas enjoying is Pad Thai in the background :)

I of course couldn't have attended the markets without the help of My wonderful Mother in Law, Lucas and Bubby (My official tester who was so well behaved both nights!)

I am busting to do the markets again and think I might attend the February twilight markets next. I need a month or so to replenish my stock...after sewing up a Christmas storm for my friends and family that is!

Thank you so much to all those who came to see me at the markets and especially my Mum's Group who are brilliant supporters and to Ren, the organizer of the markets at Albury City Council

- Pinky xoxo


  1. OMG Pinky your stall looks fabulous! Every single toy looks just incredible!! I love your monobrow monster and I actually laughed out loud at those squeaky poos HAHAHA! Genius! I had my first ever market experience a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome - will be doing them throughout 2012 for sure!

  2. Thank you :) Which Market do you do? Does Elora go with you? Harrison is my trusty little helper at the Markets and somewhat inspired the squeeky poos!
